Rights Respecting Schools
Go for GOLD
Congratulations 🎉 to our Rights Respecting School Committee and Miss Welsh; we have achieved the Gold Award 🥇
Rights Respecting Team
Moneyrea Primary School Charter
As part of our Rights respecting School status we have adopted a new charter to replace our school rules. The Charter is stated in positive terms and was devised by our school pupils last term.
The Charter positively expresses the behaviours we expect from our pupils as we build a positive, compassionate learning community.
We care for ourselves
We are kind to each other
We show good manners to everyone
We tell the truth
We care for our school and the environment
We always walk in school
We enter and leave the classroom and school in an orderly way
Ready for School
We come to school on time
We wear our uniform each day
We come to school properly equipped
We always do our best
We try to learn from our mistakes
We do our homework well
We help others with their learning
Talking & Listening
We stop, look and listen, when the teacher is talking
We raise our hand, if we wish to speak
We listen respectfully to each other
We play fairly
We let everyone join in
We do what our supervisors tell us
We take care of equipment and play safely
We line up quietly and walk into school
Working Towards our Gold Award
The Video Campaign for School Improvement
Chloe and Lucas from Year 4 Inspect our New Playground Charter Sign
Class Elections were held recently to choose representatives for the Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group. Congratulations to all the successful candidates.
Rights Respecting School Steering Committee Elections
Rights Respecting Schools 2019-20
Moneyrea Primary School and Nursery Unit have been awarded the UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award. The Steering Group elected from Year 4 to 7 pupils proudly display the new award!