Parking Matters
A number of parents and local residents have spoken to me about problems at pickup and drop off times due to vehicles parked near the school fence and gates, on the path to the Community Centre and at the Ballykeel Rd junction.
The PSNI were in attendance this morning and will monitor this situation over the coming weeks.
You will be aware that the road outside school can be very busy at these times and parking there is placing the lives of children at risk.
It is essential that parents help to make the area outside of the school gates and fence as safe as possible for children arriving at or leaving school.
To this end, we would ask that parents/carers dropping off or picking up children adhere to the following guidelines:-
1. Please do not park, drop-off or pick-up on the roadside opposite the school, between the shop, on the corner Ballykeel Road or on the speed bump.
2. Please do not park or drop-off at any time outside the school gates.
3. Please do not park on the tarmacked area on the left as you exit from the Community Centre.
4. Off road parking is available at the Church Hall from Monday (thanks Rev. Chris) and the Community Centre.
5. Parents should only access the school grounds via the pedestrian gate.
6. Please keep the double gates closed, as this is a playground and exits directly onto Church Road, without a safety barrier.
7. Keep the disabled parking bays clear for folk who hold blue badges.
These guidelines have been drafted to help keep our children safe and will only work with the cooperation of all who drop-off or pick-up.
Please ensure that grandparents and other carers are made aware of these guidelines.
Thank you for your cooperation in this regard, it is appreciated.