Good News ... Good News. ... Good News
We are pleased to announce that the EA Maintenance Department has agreed to the following works programme to address problems with our nursery building.
This work includes:
A complete reskinning of the exterior walls of the building including aluminium sheeting which will be faced over. This will greatly enhance the appearance of the building, increase its thermal efficiency, whilst reducing damp and mould.
The original skirt of the building will be replaced with plastisol skirting and areas where the building is in contact with soil will be concreted. This will help secure the building against future rodent incursions.
Removal and replacement of the old kitchen units and floor.
The installation of floor to ceiling splash walls in the nursery toilets and caretaker's store. This will enhance the appearance of the toilets and make cleaning easier.
A survey of the drains and sewage chambers has been undertaken and remedial work has been agreed which will address the gaseous smell and toilets backing up.
A structural engineer's survey has been completed and the roof has been declared safe.
Water damage to the ceiling in the office space will be addressed.
Pest control will continue to monitor the nursery grounds for rodent activity.
The mains electricity box will be removed from inside the building and placed in an external box.
Emergency exit door to be upgraded.
Whilst this is not the replacement building we are seeking, the works listed above represent a major investment by the Education Authority in the educational provision for our youngest children and for that we are extremely grateful.
R Greer