Christmas at Moneyrea
Christmas is an important time in our school calendar. We look forward with great anticipation to our nativity plays and carol service and all the fun associated with the Christamas celebration.
Christmas is also an important fundraising time for PTA with several events planned over the coming weeks:
Our PTA Christmas Sale is next week, on Thursday 1 December @ 2.00pm at Moneyreagh Community Centre.
We would ask each class to contribute the following items:
5 chocolate items around the value of £1 each for our chocolate tombola stall
Years 1 – 3
5 wrapped gifts, labelled Boy or Girl for lucky dip stall.
Gifts should be around the value of £1.
(Wyse Buys, Poundland, B&M and Home Bargains)
Year 4
New Christmas tree decorations and wrapping paper
Years 5 & 6
Bottles for the Bottle Stall
Juice, Shloer, wine, Coca Cola, toiletries, sauces etc.
Year 7
Christmas food & Fayre –
home bakes, shortbread, Christmas cake/pudding, yule log, mince pies
We also need our families to provide:
• Home baking/Christmas Fayre donations etc.
• Traybakes purchased or homemade
• Christmas biscuits
• Good quality pre-used games, jigsaws, books, etc.
Items may be sent into school for the sale or ballot from tomorrow. Home baking on the morning of the sale.
Set up for the sale begins at 9.00am on the Thursday morning. If you can help out, please contact Nicola or Debbie.
Please note: school finishes at 1.55pm on the Thursday 1 December
Santa will arrive at 2.00pm
As well as our stalls, there will be opportunity for the children to visit Santa and to have their face and nails painted, tattoos etc.
Santa' Grotto tickets may be bought in school in advance or on the day.
Tea and coffee will be available in the conference room downstairs.
This is a major fundraiser for PTA and we need as many prizes as possible to make this another great success. Maybe you have contacts with local businesses that may be willing to support us. Maybe your business would be able to offer a service?
If you can provide a prize or can ask a local company/shop etc for a prize, that would be greatly appreciated.
We will be sending home our Christmas Ballot sheets during the week commencing 5 December, with the draw being made on Wednesday 21 December.
Each year we make up Christmas Hampers as part of the main Christmas Draw and for a separate Christmas Hamper Draw.
All donations are welcome.
Children may pay 50p to name and win this amazing elf toy.
A naming sheet will circulate around classes. the winning name will be drawn from a hat on the last day of term.
CHRISTMAS FAIR - 1 December @ 2.00pm
ERASMUS+ WEEK - 5 December – 9 December
CHRISTMAS DINNER - Wednesday 7 December - Cost £2.60
Children to wear Christmas jumpers
ELF TRAIL - Monday 12 December organised by Yr6.
My First Nativity
Parents and family welcome
Yrs 1 – 4 NATIVITIES - 16 DECEMBER 10:30AM
Higgledy Piggledy Nativity
The Late Angel
Parents and family welcome
CAROL SERVICE (Yrs 3 – 7) - Tuesday 20 Dec from 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Granshaw Presbyterian Church
END OF TERM School finishes for the Christmas Holidays on Wednesday 21 December at 12 noon.
OPEN NIGHT - Wednesday 11 January from 7.00pm – 9.00pm
School will close at 2.00pm
Roy Greer